
Ramp Up Employee Experience: Publish Key Performance Indicators on Your Intranet

Enhance employee experience and engagement by sharing KPI measurements on your site. Leverage your intranet learning center for performance improvement.

By Cathy Dew

Your intranet provides a world of opportunities to improve employee experience, from recruitment to onboarding to on-the-job encounters to what occurs during separation.

When it comes to on-the-job employee experience, the name of the game is engagement. And, according to human resources experts, the more informed your employees are, and the more connected they feel to your organization’s goals, the higher they rate their employee experience. IBM reports that receiving feedback and recognition contributes to a positive employee experience when combined with opportunities for growth.


Makes sense, right? It’s only natural for people to want to know if they are doing a good job or not. But it’s clear that simple feedback on personal job performance is not enough. Employees also want to understand how they contribute to the organization’s overall performance. Employees may see themselves as mere cogs in a much larger wheel, but they still need to know that cogs are important and that their work plays a vital role in making the wheels turn.

Enter your intranet – the perfect individual and company performance measurement portal.

What gets measured gets done.

It’s an old cliché: What gets measured gets done. While the origins of the adage are unclear—some say it dates back to the 16th Century mathematician Rheticus—it still holds up today.

Chances are your executive team has already isolated a set of measurements that are designed to gauge whether or not certain goals are being met. And chances are equal that your management team uses these key performance indicators—or KPIs—as numerical snapshots to take measure of how different business units are performing on the road to other measures of success. Ideally, these KPIs are designed to help management understand what needs to get done and communicate that to the employees whose contributions are vital to achieve desired results.

But how effective are you at giving your staff a sense of how they are performing within the parameters of these KPIs? Why not publish them on your intranet and give employees a chance to understand the vital role they play in working toward the organization’s goals?

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Informed employees feel more connected to your organization's goals and rate experience higher.

Offer feedback with a side of continuous improvement.

Perhaps the adage should be changed to: What gets measured gets done as long as the people responsible for the doing are told the results of the measurement, what it means, and then given opportunities to improve.

Granted, that’s a mouthful for an adage. But the point here is KPIs without feedback loops and opportunities for training and coaching that enhance performance tell you “what gets measured,” but leave out the “what gets done” part. You need measurement and you need action. And in between those two points, you need to communicate performance results to your staff and then guide them on how to improve.

Enter your intranet learning center.

Connect performance to training and measurement to success.

Your intranet learning center is an ideal place to keep employees informed of your organization’s KPIs and how their division, team, or office is measuring up. But don’t stop there. Not only does your intranet provide the perfect platform to report performance levels, it also provides a place where employees can find solutions to problems, link up to learning, and approach colleagues for assistance. It’s their go-to place for a skills tune up, to access on demand learning materials, and to consult (or add to) your employee-run wiki.

2Plus2 can help you leverage your intranet to connect performance to training and measurements to success. Go online to schedule a free consultation with our team or call 510-652-7700 today.

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Cathy Dew
Cathy Dew – CEO + Information Architect
Cathy focuses the company on our mission – Real results. Every time. Information architect and strategist, Cathy is passionate about making software work well – the function, the feel, the result.